Are you familiar with a TSP or Thrift Savings Plan? While many have heard of a 401(k) Plan, Federal employees are offered a Thrift Savings Plan (TSP). A TSP is a tax-deferred retirement savings and investment vehicle specifically designed for Federal government workers, including military workers.
Read MoreAs a financial planner, I often get the question from my clients, "Do I need to hire an accountant?" As we head into tax season, I wanted to address how an accountant can benefit you and when it might be time to consider hiring an accountant.
Read More2021 was another rollercoaster ride, and I think many of us are looking forward to what the new year will bring! As the year winds down, it’s a great time to reassess our financial situation and planning considerations. Every calendar year, the IRS adjusts contribution limits for retirement plans to account for inflation. As we look ahead, we again have some changes for 2022 retirement plan contributions.
Read MoreIn honor of International Fraud Awareness Week and with Cyber Security Awareness Month behind us, it seemed appropriate to write about what seems to be an increasing and ever-present threat looming out there on the internet. In fact, a number of our clients have had close calls with some sort of cyber security threat. Here are some common email phishing and spoofing scams, and how to handle the scam should it happen to you.
Read MoreA concentrated position, also referred to as concentrated stock position or concentrated stock, occurs when an individual investor owns shares of a specific stock that makes up a large percentage of their overall portfolio. If you find a large percentage of your overall portfolio is tied to one stock, you may be setting yourself up for a concentrated stock challenge, and it may be important to diversify. But why is diversification important, and how can one begin this process without major tax impacts?
Read MoreYou have probably heard the term 401(k) or Roth 401(k) thrown around before. As the end of the year is sneaking up on us, now is a great time to refresh on these terms, your financial plan, and retirement plan options that might be available to you. It is also a great time to ensure you are making the most of the options available to you! A 401(k) is an employer-sponsored retirement saving and investing plan, and it is not necessarily too late to take advantage of this employer-sponsored plan (and potential employer match) before the end of the year.
Read MoreYour family is growing! Along with getting ready to have a new baby in the house, your financial obligations are growing as well. During this time, you may feel more financial responsibility for planning for your future, but your baby’s future as well. You also might be wondering how much money you should save for your child and what the true cost of having a baby might be. Today, I’m breaking down the six most common financial impacts and associated costs of having a baby.
Read MoreYou're getting married, congratulations! Getting married is such an exciting time in life, with emotions running high. However, there are still some discussions to approach with a level head. One of them being the lovely topic of finances. It may not seem very romantic to discuss finance as you get ready for your special day. Still, by addressing these critical finance questions to ask before marriage now, you can prepare and save yourself a lifetime of potential headaches as you combine finances.
Read MoreDivorce can be extremely stressful, and often dealing with the finances may seem crippling. Although the primary focus is on your family and mental health, your financial situation needs to be top of mind as well. Keeping divorce and finances in mind will prepare you for this next chapter and avoid mistakes that may impact your future. Here are 6 of the most common financial issues to address if you are considering a divorce or are working through these logistics already.
Read MoreInflation is here. I might even suggest that inflation has been here for the past year or so. However, inflation is just now starting to show its true colors in the data we all see. So, what is inflation, and what is the current inflation rate in 2021? Is inflation good? And finally, what might inflation mean for me and my financial planning considerations?
Read MoreThey say there are only two guarantees in life: death and taxes. We have many resources and information around taxes, and while death is never a fun topic to discuss, it is inevitable. Unfortunately, it also is an area we all have to deal with at some point. You may experience the entire range of emotions when a loved one passes away, so I have put together a checklist for after the death of a spouse, as well as some financial considerations to help guide you during this challenging time.
Read MoreCOVID has led to a lot of changes. Some may stick, and others we may soon forget. One lifestyle change that has always been important but became exaggerated during the pandemic is where and how we want to live. With remote work options, cost of living projections, and extreme differences in political opinion, we have seen many moving out of the city, many moving back into the city, and some even moving to an entirely new state. If you find yourself in this boat and are considering a move, here is what to consider when buying a house or relocating from a financial perspective.
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