How Our Planning Process Works
Step 1Initial Meeting
• Learn about your goals, values, dreams, special concerns and challenges.
• Discuss the different approaches to planning and how our team can be of value to you and your family.
Step 2Data Gathering
• Consolidation of information regarding all areas of finance.
• Review financial documents.
• Discussion of risk tolerance and values around money and investing.
Step 3
Preliminary Plan Development
• Compile information into first draft of financial plan.
• Develop initial strategies and coordinate with specialists.
• Prepare for draft meeting with client.
Step 4Draft / Strategy Meeting
• Present and discuss initial findings, strategies, and recommendations.
• Make any adjustments or corrections to baseline information.
• Collaborate and develop plan scenarios and alternatives.
Step 5Plan Completion & Formalization
• Integrate any new or updated information and/or research into plan.
• Final development and composition of plan.
• Prepare Client Action Plan and any documents or applications based on final recommendations.
Step 6Plan Delivery & Implementation
• Present and discuss any new or alternate strategies and key points of plan.
• Develop schedule for ongoing strategy meetings
Step 7Ongoing Financial Planning
• Analyze existing investment and financial planning strategies and present as needed.
• Ongoing regularly scheduled strategy meetings