The Secure Act: Here's What To Expect

A very significant piece of legislation was just recently signed into law that will go into effect January 1st, 2020, yet many individuals and business owners are unaware of the act and its significant impacts to their retirement and planning considerations.

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Brandon Steele
7-Steps to a Successful Financial Review

Labor Day Weekend is over and it’s almost time to pack up the lawn games and gardening tools. While we transition from a season of cleaning up around the house and enjoying the sun, it can be a great time to get serious and dive back into many aspects of our lives to finish the year strong.

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Brandon Steele
3 Most Common Employee Stock Plan Strategies

Equity compensation can be extremely lucrative and a huge aid in building long term wealth, but these plans can also be extremely complex to navigate and, if not handled properly, can derail retirement plans very quickly due to risks involved with single stock concentration.

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Brandon Steele