What You May Be Missing From Your Employer's Group Benefits with Danielle Huston


What are some trends that are currently happening in the group benefits space? Are HSAs a good idea? And what benefits or concerns should we be watching for when it comes to life and disability benefits? Group benefits expert Danielle Huston joins Brandon on the Mainsail Podcast to share answers to these and other things you might be missing from your employer's group benefits.

Danielle Huston is an advocate and guide for employers who navigate complicated and expensive decisions about healthcare and employee benefits. She's passionate about making it suck less and helping employers make smart and creative decisions with the budget they have while still balancing the real needs of the humans on the receiving ends of their decisions. She also is the host of The Checkup Podcast where she explores topics relating to employee benefits, health insurance, and healthcare.

If you have questions about this episode, or if we can be of service, be sure to get in touch with us!

Brandon Steele