Building Effective and Successful Teams in Any Organization with Liv Olson

When polled, 90% of employees believe teams are critical to success in their organization, but only 25% believe their team to be effective. Whether you find your team to be effective or not, what are some strategies that successful teams employ? In this conversation, executive coach and consultant Liv Olson shares insight into ways to overcome team challenges, how to foster innovation, and strategies for smaller teams. 

For nearly 20 years, Liv Olson led Human Resources and People Operations for mission-driven financial services organizations. During this period, her organization was named among Washington’s best workplaces for nine consecutive years. Today, she works with individuals and teams to unlock and leverage core elemental skills and insights that, until now, have remained hidden. To learn more about Liv and her services, visit her website

A Conversation with Liv Olson of Liv Olson Consulting
Mainsail Financial Group

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Brandon Steele